Register for our webinar, supporting the public consultation for VCMI’s beta Scope 3 Claim.

The webinar will provide an overview of the consultation process and the beta Scope 3 Claim methodology, which can be used as an additional tool for companies to act on their scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions.

Why attend:

  • Learn about the consultation process.
  • Understand how to participate and have your say on the beta Scope 3 Claim.
  • Hear from industry experts in a live discussion.
  • Ask any questions you have during a Q&A.
  • Take part in interactive polls.


9:00 - Welcome and introduction

9:05 - Overview of Scope 3 Claim consultation process

9:15 – Overview of the Scope 3 Claim

9:25 - Open discussion with experts from expert advisory groups, NGOs and large corporate organisations

9:45 - Q&A

10:10 – Close

The event will also be held on Tuesday 17 September, 16.00 BST if you aren’t able to make this date above.

We look forward to seeing you there.

Public consultation information:

This webinar is part of VCMI’s beta Scope 3 Claim public consultation, which is open from 2 September until 7 October.

We are collaborating with VCMI to deliver a robust, transparent, and representative consultation process, aiming to gather feedback from diverse audiences and those interested in contributing to the refinement of the beta Scope 3 Claim methodology and guardrails.

Enter your first name
Enter your last name
Enter your job title
Enter your company name
Select your country
Select your industry
Select your industry sub sector
No. of employees
Enter your questions
Let us know if there any other products or services you are interested in, if you have any other questions, or if there’s any additional information you’d like us to know before we contact you.