Please fill out your details to register for BSI's webinar, 'AI assurance - insights and best practices for SMEs', as part of the Innovate UK BridgeAI programme.

The webinar will focus on building AI assurance through digital, cybersecurity and data security standards and the advantages for your business.

Hear from industry experts, outlined in the agenda below, and SME business owners discussing best practices. And find out about the support available through the BridgeAI programme, including the dedicated community space.


  • 13:00: Introduction to BridgeAI, BSI’s role in assurance and benefits to SMEs, by Matilda Rhode, BSI.
  • 13:05: An overview of relevant standards for assurance within AI, with a focus on risk, cyber and data security, by Steve Watkins, Chair of IST/33 committee, Information security, cybersecurity and privacy protection.
  • 13:10: Upcoming work on AI and cybersecurity standards – aims and relevance to SMEs, by Milan Patel, Microsoft.
  • 13:15: Assurance tools and mechanisms, including the AI Assurance toolkit, by the Responsible Technology Adoption Unit.
  • 13:25: Panel discussion.
  • 13:55: Q&A
  • 14:10: Wrap up and thank you.
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