Launching the revised BS ISO 20121:2024

It's become imperative that events of every type and scale should start to systematically increase their sustainability.

This is the case, not only because of growing audience expectations and because it's the right thing to do for the planet and society; but also because of the commercial benefits that accrue from attracting bigger audiences, better sponsors, and saving on costs.

Simultanteously, by introducing sustainability at every decision point in event planning and delivery, event organizers are inspired to innovate and the legacy impact of the event becomes a priority.

Get in on the ground floor of the new international standard on sustainable event management

You can start learning how to create more sustainable events by joining our launch event for the revised BS ISO 20121:2024 Event sustainability management systems – Requirements with guidance for use on 22nd April.

A roster of high profile individuals from the event sector, including from the International Olympic Committee and Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games, will set out how BS ISO 20121 works, what's new in the standard, and how to apply it to deliver sustainable events.


Welcome and introductions

Anne Hayes, Director of Sectors and Standards Development, BSI
Sergio Mujica, ISO Secretary General

Review of the ISO 20121 revision process including the impact of the London Declaration on standards development

Amanda Richardson, External Policy Director, BSI

Exploring How standards can transform sectors and what this means for the future of a sustainable event industry?

Cindy Parokkil, Programme Manager, ISO Central Secretariat
Fiona Pelham, Positive Impact Events, CEO

Focusing on the 3 key areas of the  ISO 20121:2024 revision:

What will an increased focus on climate change mean for users of ISO 20121?

Shana Gallagher, Net Zero Engagement Manager (Our 2050 World), BSI
Ulrika Martensson, Danish mirror committee
Chhaya Kapilashrami, UNFCCC
Jane Eisenhardt, Race to Zero’s Engagement and Acceleration Manager, Environmental Defense Fund

What will an increased focus on legacy mean for users of ISO 20121:2024?

Romain Riboud, Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games
Tania Braga, International Olympic Committee
Pauline Teyssedre, French Mirror Committee

What will an increased focus on human rights mean for users of ISO 20121:2024?

Emma Wellman, UK Mirror Committee
Alison Biscoe, Head of Programme Development and Partnerships, Centre for Sport and Human Rights
Zara Grant, Children’s Rights and Sports Specialist, Unicef UK

Summary & Close including direction to resources which will support you to start your ISO 20121: 2024 journey

Anne Hayes, Director of Sectors and Standards Development, BSI


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