Register for ISO International Workshop Agreement (IWA) in ESG Principles

The British Standards Institution (BSI) alongside the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (ABNT), and Standards Council of Canada (SCC), are pleased to invite interested stakeholders to participate in developing an IWA for ESG Implementation Principles.

The IWA will provide a high-level international structure and core principles for implementing and embedding ESG within the culture of an organization. It will support management of ESG performance, as well as measurement and reporting under existing disclosure frameworks to enable consistency, comparability, and reliability of ESG reporting and practices globally.

The IWA can be used by all organizations in all sectors but in particular SMEs and organizations in developing countries. It will be complementary and interoperable with existing voluntary and regulatory reporting frameworks to facilitate global harmonization and alignment on ESG principles and approaches. It is not in itself a reporting framework.

International virtual workshops

By registering your interest you will receive further information and access to our virtually held workshops accommodating all regions and time zones.

Key dates

20 May to 17 June 2024 - Commenting period

  • Registered participants will gain access to the Online Standards Development Platform to provide feedback on the draft document.
  • Participants are encouraged to review and provide comments to ensure all voices are heard in advance of the workshop meetings.

20 May to June 2024 - Briefing meetings

  • These sessions will help interested parties understand what the IWA is about and familiarize them with the platform.

July to September 2024 - Workshop meetings

  • Comments and feedback will be discussed and addressed in a series of workshop meetings between July and September
  • Register on this page to participate in the development of the International Workshop Agreement (IWA) in ESG Principles:
    • Workshop 1: 8 July 2024, 11:00 - 14:30 UTC
    • Workshop 2: 10 July 2024, 18:00 - 21:30 UTC
    • Workshop 3: 11 July 2024, 11:00 - 14:30 UTC

September 2024 - Document finalization

October 2024 - Preparation for publication by ISO Central Secretariat

November 2024 - Publication and communications campaign


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